• 11.28.22 – A Simple Gesture

    Kathy and I enjoyed a delicious Sunday night dinner at Tony & Alba’s in San José last night. It’s one of our favorite places to go for pizza, pasta, and dessert. The family-owned restaurant is located on Stevens Creek Boulevard, just west of the Valley Fair Mall and Santana Row. As a simple gesture of…

  • 11.25.22 – And So It Begins

    Black Friday! Yes, the day after Thanksgiving. It’s a day I normally stay home… and out of harm’s way. Today, I went out once and made two stops — Staples, to pick up my 2023 weekly planner, and Walgreen’s, to restock my supply of shampoo and Zyrtec. Such excitement, right? Hey, I’m living life to…

  • 11.24.22 – A Moment’s Pause…

    Thanksgiving Day is my favorite holiday of the year. I cherish the wonderful memories of family dinners with my cousins at my grandparents’ home on Marsily Street in San Francisco. It was there that I developed a love for dark turkey meat, homemade stuffing, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes with turkey gravy. For some reason,…

  • 11.21.22 – Could It Be?

    I got into my car in the parking lot outside the barber shop the other day. There it was — a single autumn leaf, perched gently upon the windshield, just smiling at me. I sat there, enveloped by the warmth of the car’s interior on that otherwise brisk November afternoon. I embraced the moment. What…

  • 11.17.22 – A New Beginning

    After sixteen years of blogging on the topic of gratitude, I felt it was time to make a change. I wasn’t exactly sure what that change would be. In fact, I’m still not sure. Writing continues to be an activity which nourishes my soul, so it seems natural that I would consider a new, different…