• 12.31.22 – Happy? Seriously!

    Yes, a new year is upon us. Like it or not, time marches on. Is this, in itself, a reason to be happy? I know a number of people who, at this very moment, are grieving the loss of a loved one. I know a number of people who are dealing with life-threatening illnesses. I…

  • 12.30.22 – On Kindness

    Steve Hartman is a broadcast journalist with CBS News. He is, perhaps, best known for his “On the Road (with Steve Hartman)” segments, which feature good people doing good things for others. I wasn’t surprised to learn that Steve is a graduate of St. John’s Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio. Helping others to see…

  • 12.29.22 – “Bless me, Father…”

    “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been one month since my last confession. I have been doing, um, some things… with one of the girls in my class which the Bible says I should not be doing.” “Oh, my,” responded Monsignor Connolly. “Johnny McCarthy, I know this is you. Did you do…

  • 12.27.22 – Rain

    “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I love rainy days — not the annoying soft drizzle which sprays the earth with a fine mist, but a consistent, prolonged downpour which cleans the air, disinfects the trees, washes the pavement, and nourishes my soul.…

  • 12.26.22 – Christmas

    Christmas Day 2022 has come and gone. Has this year been better than previous years? I guess it depends upon who you ask. Three years into the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re still dealing with alarming surges in positive cases across the country and around the world. Politics is still politics. The economy has been a blessing…

  • 12.22.22 – Better to Give

    This video showed up on my Facebook feed today. Thanks to my former student, Elaine (Sobejana) Chatterton, for sharing it. Sorry for the brief commercial that precedes the story. From CBS News (click this)

  • 12.07.22 – Um… okay.

    It’s been a busy day around here today. Normally, on Wednesdays, we take care of Penny and Scarlett. The highlight of our day is “Story Time” at the West Valley branch of the San José Library. I take Penny while Scarlett stays home with Kathy and takes a nap. This morning, Kathy received a phone…

  • 12.06.22 – Being There

    “We’re all just walking each other home.”~ Ram Dass Being there for someone is one of the most human things we can do. When a person we know and care for experiences a loss in their life, it is common, and certainly appropriate, that we respond with compassion… and presence. This loss might be the…

  • 12.01.22 – Kids & Books

    The research is clear. Children who are introduced to books at an early age have an advantage for a lifetime. And while the academic advantages can be cited through research, there’s something even more valuable. Throughout their lifetime, children who are read to by loving, caring adults will associate reading with the overwhelming experience of…