• Hot Chocolate

    “There’s nothing like hot chocolate and a hug for making the nightmares go away.”Neil Gaiman When I was a child, and a troublesome one at that, I had a recurring nightmare that I was going to hell. Seriously! I cannot say how many times I experienced that same nocturnal scenario, but it got to the point where I…

  • Say It Now

    “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”Paulo Coelho Have you ever noticed how glowingly people speak of a person after that person has died? I’ve attended no small number of wakes, funerals, and memorial services in my lifetime. It is heartwarming to hear…

  • Welcome to…

    Little by little, I’m becoming increasingly familiar with this platform for my blog. I recently learned how to view multiple articles on a single page. If you would like to do so, click here: BEACON of LIGHT

  • I Left My Heart…

    “One day if I do go to heaven…I’ll look around and say, ‘It ain’t bad, but it ain’t San Francisco.’” Herb Caen It was a passing comment, but it caught my attention. At yesterday’s lunch at Jack London Square in Oakland, Pat Casserly, one of my St. Gabriel School classmates, made mention of how much I…

  • www.classmates.gulp!

    “I have learned thatto be with those that I likeis enough.” Walt Whitman On November 11, 2013, seven members of the St. Gabriel School Class of 1968 gathered for an informal lunch at the Beach Chalet Restaurant in The City. I didn’t know what to expect that day, as I had not seen most of my…

  • The Best Pizza Around

    “Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes, I can live without you.”Bill Murray_______________________________________ I wanted to find the best pizza around,since options for excellent pizza abound.I thought I should start in the east — in New York.I ordered a pizza with sausage (from pork). I have to admit it was really quite good.It…

  • A Pentecost Experience

    “Blow, blow, thou winter windThou art not so unkind,As man’s ingratitude.”  ~ William Shakespeare It’s been a long time since I’ve quoted my old friend, Bill. He and I became well-acquainted when I studied Renaissance Literature and Shakespeare’s Tragedies at Santa Clara University back in the late 70s. I’ll admit that I was a bit…

  • Teachers Have Favorites!

    “The thing I loved the most…about teaching… is that you can connect with an individual or a groupand see that individual or groupexceed their limits.” Mike KrzyzewskiFormer Duke Men’s Basketball Coach Breaking news? Well, maybe not exactly, but in this world of equality, equity, and political correctness, one might be surprised to hear a retired…

  • Munch, Crunch, Gulp!

    “Eating out of boredomhappens to the best of us…”Kaki Okumura I mentioned at the conclusion of yesterday’s blog post that today I would introduce another word from the Japanese language. This word has a very special place in my heart, because I can relate to it so easily. I’m guessing it will hit home with…

  • A Culture of Hospitality

    “True hospitality consists ofgiving the best of yourselfto your guests.”Eleanor Roosevelt A little more than seven years ago, I came across an interesting article online. The title was “11 Beautiful Japanese Words That Don’t Exist in English.” It was the subtitle that caught my eye — “Untranslatable words from Japan, the polite and nature-loving country.”…