11.25.22 – And So It Begins

Black Friday! Yes, the day after Thanksgiving. It’s a day I normally stay home… and out of harm’s way. Today, I went out once and made two stops — Staples, to pick up my 2023 weekly planner, and Walgreen’s, to restock my supply of shampoo and Zyrtec. Such excitement, right? Hey, I’m living life to the fullest!!!

Seriously, though, today marks the official start of the holiday shopping season. I’ll admit that I’m not a big fan of shopping, much less an entire season devoted to it. I’m at a point in my life when I leave most of the Christmas shopping to Kathy. She seems to thrive in the frenzied holiday shopping environment. What little shopping I wanted to do for Christmas 2022 has been done, and it was done online.

So with my own shopping out of the way, I thought I’d take this opportunity to invite you to consider my latest book, The Ambassador of 38th Avenue, for your holiday shopping. Whether your friends and loved ones are looking for a book to bring back memories of growing up in San Francisco, or just possibly looking for some inspiring positivity to enrich their lives, this book might be the ideal gift for them. And you can even tell them, “Hey, I know the author!”

I appreciate the convenience of Amazon delivering directly to the homes of the recipients of my Christmas gifts. Distance becomes a non-issue.

As we prepare for the celebration of Christmas on December 25th, I wish you all the best. May all your gifts, whatever they are, be infused with love and gratitude.

One response to “11.25.22 – And So It Begins”

  1. kaaren langbehn alvarado Avatar
    kaaren langbehn alvarado

    Your post summed up my my birthday celebration and the new set of holidays: no more gifting! thanks. 0x, kaaren


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