12.07.22 – Um… okay.

It’s been a busy day around here today. Normally, on Wednesdays, we take care of Penny and Scarlett. The highlight of our day is “Story Time” at the West Valley branch of the San José Library. I take Penny while Scarlett stays home with Kathy and takes a nap. This morning, Kathy received a phone call from our daughter-in-law, Hillaray, informing us that Emily wasn’t feeling well at school and asking if she could drop her off with us. Of course, we are happy to have her here.

After lunch, Penny and Emily sat with Kathy at the dining room table to decorate a few Christmas cookies. Not surprisingly, Penny ended up with Nutella on her hands and around her mouth. While I was standing in the kitchen preparing a hot chocolate for myself, Penny walked in and, as she so often does, said, “Papa, up!”

I lifted her up and she placed her head gently on my left shoulder. It’s at moments like this that I could just melt. But then, with her face in my shoulder, she moved her head back and forth a few times.

“Penny,” I asked suspiciously, “is there chocolate all over Papa’s shoulder now?”

“No,” Penny replied reassuringly. “Just snot.”

One response to “12.07.22 – Um… okay.”

  1. Kendra Avatar

    I love that children have no filters and are brutally honest.


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