12.26.22 – Christmas

Christmas Day 2022 has come and gone. Has this year been better than previous years? I guess it depends upon who you ask. Three years into the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re still dealing with alarming surges in positive cases across the country and around the world. Politics is still politics. The economy has been a blessing for some and a curse for many. And as families gathered to celebrate the holidays, many were grieving the loss of loved ones. Still others were trying to cope with significant medical issues — their own or those of family and friends. Despite it all, we did our best to celebrate the holidays in whatever way we could.

Kathy and I are grateful to have gathered with our three sons, two daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren here at our home on Christmas Eve. The little ones kept the magic of Christmas alive as they marveled at the Christmas tree, beautifully decorated with lights and ornaments. They also had a great time opening a few gifts which had been wrapped and placed under the tree for safekeeping. Kathy prepared a delicious Christmas meal featuring lasagna from Tony & Alba’s Restaurant in San José. Lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner was a tradition in Kathy’s family of origin. Her Dad made the best!

On Christmas Day, Kathy and I enjoyed the peace and solitude of our own home. For the first time since we met in 1984, it was just the two of us for Christmas dinner this year. Yes, it was different. Then, again, much in our lives is different now. We watched a little football, then watched two Christmas classics on TV — It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story. Of course, we’d seen both many times before, but the experience was no less enjoyable.

While most of the nation was dealing with bitter cold temperatures and blizzard conditions, Christmas weekend here in San José was delightful with temperatures in the mid-60s. Only now, as we begin the countdown to 2023, are we preparing for what local meteorologists are calling an atmospheric river. This multiple band of rainstorms is set to begin some time this evening and continue for up to two weeks. It won’t be cold. We won’t have to deal with snow. We’re just going to get a good soaking here on the West Coast, something we desperately need to relieve the drought conditions which have existed for the past few years.

Life is not perfect, but it is good.

Very good!   

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