
“I have learned that
to be with those that I like
is enough.” 

Walt Whitman

On November 11, 2013, seven members of the St. Gabriel School Class of 1968 gathered for an informal lunch at the Beach Chalet Restaurant in The City. I didn’t know what to expect that day, as I had not seen most of my classmates for forty-five years. The event completely exceeded my expectations. At the conclusion of our meal, we all agreed that we should meet-up again at some future time.

Several years later, a small group of us met at the Delancey Street Restaurant on the Embarcadero in The City. A few of the original group attended, and a handful of new classmates joined us. In the years since that time, many of us have continued to gather every few months for lunches in restaurants or picnics in parks, either in The City or in Pleasanton. These venues are central to those of us who live in various parts of the Bay Area.

Our most recent lunch was today. Four of the original seven from the Beach Chalet group attended, along with eight others. Due to the weather, a picnic was out of the question, so we met at Scott’s Seafood in Jack London Square in Oakland. The food was delicious, but the highlight of the afternoon was the camaraderie and lively conversation we enjoyed for three hours. We never ran out of stories to tell as we reminisced about our days at St. Gabriel School and shared details of what we’ve done with our lives over the past half-century. 

One “rule of thumb” for these gatherings is this: Be there, or be talked about! Those who did not attend can be assured that nobody’s name was taken in vain. There truly is a genuine interest in the well-being of our classmates from fifty-five years ago.

We’re planning to get together again in May.

8 responses to “www.classmates.gulp!”

  1. Linda Pace Avatar
    Linda Pace

    Love this Kevin


    1. Kevin Carroll Avatar

      Thanks, Linda. I’m so glad you were able to join us today.


  2. Davina Cosenza Avatar
    Davina Cosenza

    Cool ~ very lovely description of our sporadic, indispensable get-togethers. The Class of 1968 rules! Thanks Kevin ~


    1. Kevin Carroll Avatar

      Thanks, Davina. Yes, “indispensable” is a good descriptor. Looking forward to May.


  3. Marian Avatar

    Terrific, Kevin! ❤️ your way with words!


    1. Kevin Carroll Avatar

      Thanks, Marian. It was good to see you yesterday.


  4. Catherine Avatar

    I had such a great time yesterday! I am beyond blessed to have reconnected with you all!!! Looking forward to seeing you all in May!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kevin Carroll Avatar

      These relationships have had a nice progression through the years: classmates > inmates > acquaintances > friends > FAMILY.


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