Seeking Happiness

“It is not joy
that makes us
it is gratitude
that makes us
David Steindl-Rast

It is astounding to consider the numerous elements which contribute to who we are, how we feel from one day to the next, and how others perceive us. A quick review of some of these components might be beneficial for us to have a better understanding of the various factors that influence our lives today.

Through the years, but most notably in the past year, I have come to understand and appreciate the significance of the food I eat, the sleep I get, and the exercise I do, and the impact these three factors have on my life. I count calories now. I log what I eat every day. I weigh myself every morning. I find that doing these things helps me to make better choices about what I am willing to ingest. I have also been more intentional about my sleep patterns, ensuring that I get eight hours of sleep each night — no more, no less. I have always been well aware of the importance of exercise in one’s life. Despite this, until recently, I struggled to find the motivation to get up and move on a regular basis.

I have also come to understand and appreciate the skills I’ve learned, the importance of reading good books, and the music I listen to. If I were asked to identify my #1 skill, I would have to say writing. I love to write. Writing helps me to process what’s happening in the world around me — and within me. I find writing to be therapeutic. Reading well-written books is beneficial therapy for me, as well. I have been inspired by the writings of Hal Urban, Roland Merullo, Anne Lamott, Viktor Frankl, Ron Pevney, Kristin Neff, Frank McCourt, Paulo Coelho, and Angela Duckworth, to name just a few. All of these authors have had a positive influence on who I am today. Similarly, music plays an important role in my life. There is music I listen to when I’m writing (Brian Crain, Jim Brickman), walking (Laid Back Beach Music Radio on Pandora), or just relaxing (Kenny G., Nora Jones, Autumn Jazz Radio on Pandora). These sounds enrich every day from morning until night.

Not surprisingly, I have also come to understand and appreciate the positive consequences of the habits I’ve cultivated, the challenges I face, and the thoughts I entertain. Life is never perfect. My life is no exception. From my earliest years, beginning with lessons learned from my parents, I have developed habits which continue to serve me well even as I approach the age of seventy. Good hygiene, punctuality, empathy, and basic social skills allow me to interact effectively with those around me. As for challenges, we all have them. No one is exempt from situations which create angst in one’s life. How we deal with such situations, however, determines how well we navigate the rough waters of life. I find it helpful to remind myself that in each crisis we face, there is both danger and opportunity. I do my best to focus on the opportunity and let the danger do what it will. Our thoughts, too, can create anxiety in our lives. I have found the words of the Serenity Prayer to be especially consoling when my mind starts blowing situations out of proportion.

I think it’s safe to say that happiness is a state of mind every person hopes to achieve. All of the factors I’ve mentioned, as well as some I have not mentioned, play a part in determining one’s level of happiness. Most of all, however, it is the lens through which we choose to look at the world around us that determines our happiness. We can view the people and things around us with cynicism, anger, resentment, hopelessness, or even apathy. These world views rarely allow us to see and appreciate all the good that exists in our world. I prefer to view the world through the lens of gratitude. When I do, even though I can still acknowledge the evil which exists in our world, I am able to focus on and embrace the good which is constantly being done by so many compassionate women and men, and I am able to do so with a tremendous sense of gratitude.   

One response to “Seeking Happiness”

  1. hansenv35f2459258 Avatar

    Hi Kevin. I enjoy listening to Norman Brown on Spotify. Smooth jazz instrumental that I just happened to find one day and now listen to all the time.

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