Mister Rogers

“The greatest thing
that we can do is to
help somebody know
that they’re loved
and capable of loving.” 
Fred “Mister” Rogers

Twenty-one years ago today, the world bid a fond farewell to Fred Rogers, the iconic creator and host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. He was 74 years old.

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood was a preschool television series which ran from 1968 to 2001. Through this program, Rogers, a Presbyterian minister, shared some of life’s most important lessons with three decades of little ones. In an article published in Greater Good Magazine in 2018, author Shea Tuttle identified seven lessons from the show which continue to inspire people today.

Lesson #1 is that it’s okay to feel whatever it is that we feel. Rogers taught about the importance of naming our feelings, exploring those feelings with those we love, and the need for us all to grow on the inside as well as the outside.

Lesson #2 piggybacks the first lesson with an important limitation. Rogers taught that while it’s okay to feel whatever we feel, our feelings do not justify bad behavior. He consistently emphasized that self-expression and respect for others are intimately linked. For example, Rogers once said that we must help children to realize that “they can be angry and not have to hurt themselves or anybody else.”

Lesson #3 focuses on the differences in people. This is a timely lesson for all of us today, too. Rogers emphasized that while we may disagree with something someone says, we can still respect them for who they are. Differences in individuals are not indications of who is good and who is bad. Every person is deserving of our respect.

Lesson #4 is powerful. As an ordained Presbyterian minister, Rogers understood the value of teaching children about the importance of caring for the most vulnerable members of society. This was a value reflected in his off-camera life, too. He regularly wrote letters to people who were lonely and visited those who were sick or dying. Rogers didn’t just preach the Gospel message, he practiced it in his daily life, as well.

Lesson #5 challenges us to make a difference right where we are. Many people say that they want to make a positive difference in the world. Mister Rogers affirmed the value of making a difference in your own family and neighborhood. Through his teaching and example, Rogers emphasized that it is possible to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable people wherever we might be.

Lesson #6 focuses on self-care. Rogers understood that one cannot pour water from an empty vessel. In order to be able to help others, we have to begin by taking care of ourselves. 

Lesson #7 reminds us that we are all neighbors. In the Gospel story, Jesus is asked, “And who is my neighbor?” He responds by telling the story of the Good Samaritan. It is so critical in our world today that we acknowledge that those around us, including those who are quite different than us, are our neighbors, comrades, or friends, rather than perceiving them as our enemy.

Fred Rogers was a modern-day prophet. We would do well to embrace and emulate his message of love and mercy in our lives.   

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