Life is Good

“My favorite place
to vacation
is anyplace
by the ocean.” 
Nina Arianda

It’s been a brief getaway, and now it’s ending. I’m sitting at a small table in Los Angeles International Airport waiting to board my flight back to San José. The duration of this visit was ideal — four days. Any shorter would have been insufficient. Anything longer would have been too much. I’m looking forward to getting home, celebrating Mother’s Day, and returning to my daily routine.

My brother, Tom, was a gracious host. I was able to stay in a guest room at Loyola-Marymount University, where Tom lives and works. His fellow Jesuits were equally hospitable, each welcoming me warmly and engaging in casual conversation at various times. The weather could have been better. It’s been cooler than usual for May in LA, with a brisk wind that made it feel even colder, but it was good weather for walking — and we did a lot of walking.

I got to see much of the Los Angeles metro area these past few days, including Santa Monica Pier, Will Rogers State Park, Homeboy Industries (with lunch at the Homegirl Café), Union Station, and the Los Angeles Cathedral in downtown LA. Tom and I also enjoyed a pleasant walk along the promenade along Hermosa Beach, about ten miles south of the LMU campus. The white sand and ocean air made for a pleasant experience.

From the Jesuit Community residence at Loyola-Marymount, it’s possible to see the Pacific Ocean, in the general direction of Santa Monica. While the visibility wasn’t ideal this week, just being near the ocean was enough to nourish my soul. Today, as I prepare to fly home, I feel both incredibly relaxed and energized. Oh,… and yes, grateful.

As summer approaches, I am hoping to get to the water, in both Santa Cruz and San Francisco, on a more regular basis. There’s definitely something special about time spent near the ocean.

On a final note,… I was reminded, yet again, that it is a small world. Sitting here at LAX I met a young woman who attended Holy Family School in San José, Presentation High School (2011), Loyola-Marymount University, and Santa Clara University Law School. Not surprisingly, we knew several people in common. She’s flying home to the South Bay for Mother’s Day.

Life is good. 

One response to “Life is Good”

  1. halurban Avatar

    Kevin –

    4 days – ideal.

    Ben Franklin: “Fish and visitors are alike. They both begin to smell after three days.”

    Happy Mother’s Day!



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