Genuine Kindness

“Every saint has a past
and every sinner
has a future.” 
Oscar Wilde

Stephanie’s story was heartbreaking. She spoke of the violence in her home during her formative years. She described the dangers of the constant gang activity in the neighborhood in which her family home was located, which included the death of her younger brother. She shared her feelings of hopelessness for a better future for herself, and later for her children. She disclosed some of the desperate measures she had taken in an attempt to survive in her East Los Angeles environment. Then her tone changed, significantly, as she recounted her experience at Homeboy Industries, the largest and most successful gang intervention program in the world.

I had the pleasure and privilege of taking a tour of the Homeboy facility last Wednesday. I was overwhelmed with the warm hospitality and genuine kindness offered by dozens of people I met, many of whom were graduates of the Homeboy program. My tour guide was Stephanie.   

Stephanie’s story is not unusual. Those who work with the clients at Homeboy have heard thousands of similar stories from women and men with a desire and commitment to improve their lives. The mission of Homeboy Industries is to provide hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of the community.

Homeboy Industries provides an 18-month reentry program which is offered to 400 men and women each year. Founded by Father Greg Boyle, S.J. in 1988, the organization’s motto is “Nothing stops a bullet like a job.” Despite the odds, Fr. Greg has earned the trust and respect of rival gangs in the Los Angeles area. His organization offers gang members a viable alternative to the hopelessness of the gang lifestyle. Homeboy services include case management, legal assistance, education, mental health services, substance abuse and anger management classes, parenting workshops, tattoo removal, and much more. 

Another catch phrase at Homeboy Industries is “Jobs, not Jail.” Upon completion of the 18-month reentry program, a variety of job opportunities are made available to graduates including, but not limited to, the Homeboy Bakery, the Homegirl Café, Homeboy Silkscreening, Homegirl Catering, Homeboy Electronics Recycling, the Homeboy Farmers Market, and

Those with an affiliation with gangs are not the only individuals struggling to cope with the myriad challenges of living in the world today. As we go about our daily routines, we may find ourselves standing next to someone who is doing their best not to fall apart. It may be a family member, a coworker, a neighbor, an employee in a store or restaurant, or another customer sitting in a local coffee shop. We just never know, so it’s imperative that whatever we do each day, we do it with kindness in our heart. The kindness we offer someone might be just what they need to keep it all together for one more day.

As I walked through the various areas of the Homeboy Industries facility, I encountered nothing but kindness and gratitude every step of the way. I felt more welcome by the homeboys and homegirls there than I have ever felt at a local parish church. This incredible experience motivates me to share a message penned by author Lisa Currie, who wrote, “You may not always see the results of your kindness, but every bit of positive energy you contribute to the world makes it a better place for us all.”  

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