On Turning 70

1954 Chevy Truck

“70 might be the new 40,
but 9:00 p.m. is the
new midnight.” 

I received a number of birthday messages today. I appreciate all those who expressed their condolences on my turning seventy. One email in particular is worth a share. It began with a welcome to The Wonder Years, as in:

• I wonder where I parked my car?
• I wonder where I left my phone?
• I wonder where I left my glasses?
• I wonder where I left my keys?
• I wonder why I came into this room?

This was followed by The Senility Prayer:

“Grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked,
the good fortune to
run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight
to tell the difference.”

Yes, as of 8:16 a.m. this morning, I am officially 70 years old. While there’s something about turning 70 which I find quite disconcerting, I’m well aware that the proper response to celebrating this milestone birthday is gratitude. No small number of my former classmates from elementary school, high school, and college were not given this opportunity. This is also true of a number of relatives and former colleagues. 

I had a relaxing day today. I walked 13,000+ steps. I stopped for a salad at Jack’s Restaurant on Saratoga Avenue. From there I walked to Paris Baguette Bakery for a slice of birthday cake. At 5:00, we had a family barbecue at our home, followed by Oreo cookie ice cream cake for dessert. I could not have asked for a better day. 

I still find the number 70 to be a bit bothersome, but I’m confident that, in time, I’ll get used to it. I’m realizing that it’s important to accept the aging process with gratitude, humility, and a bit of humor. There seems to be a fine line between “old” and “vintage.”

Comedian/actor George Burns, who, having lived to the ripe old age of 100, might be considered an expert on aging. He maintained a sense of humor about getting old. He said, “You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there.” 

I can relate! 

One response to “On Turning 70”

  1. smithgrannie2008 Avatar

    So much wisdom that you have to share.

    I am feeling you say, “Thank you Lord, that I am alive at 70.”


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